Monday, January 5, 2009

Take Delight...

3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 4Delight yourself also in The Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart~ Psalm 37:3-4

I love this scripture. I just love it. I was talking to my daughter about this passage, and reminded her of what it meant. All of this Psalm is wonderful, so if you have a moment, please read it lovingly. and with an open heart.

I reflected on this psalm passage today as I picked up my husband and step daughter from the airport. I had anticipated her return home for quite some time, as she lives out of state with her mother. She often comes to visit for a few months at a time, and my heart is made fuller by her existence here with my little one. My daughter loves having a sister around, and my heart soars when the girls gather around to tell me how much they love me. Really, its enough to make your heart ache!

Anyway, while gazing at little Adrianna in the back seat, I had to smile. I remembered how I prayed so diligently that she would be safe and sound so that our family could see her again. I cried when she left, and I felt more sadness than I could have ever anticipated. I had fallen so in love with this little girl, just as though she were my own. So you can imagine that letting her go was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

So, what did I do? Well, before Adrianna left, I had so many prayers for her. so many DETAILED prayers as if to give God instructions on what I would like for Him to do with her. Then I Who was I kidding? I couldn't compare to the amount of Love He would ultimately give her!!! After all, my heart really just desired one thing- to see little Adrianna again...To see the face of that little girl I had grown to love, to hear the laughter of her and Tiana playing in the other room, and to have a moment where I could hold them both safely in my arms again.
Yes, that was my hearts desire.

All I could do was trust that God would bring her back. Trust that He loved her even more than I did, and that after all, she belonged to Him in the first place. My trust was solely in Him. And frankly, I knew He would deliver, and you know what? Today He did!

You see, as long as the desires of our hearts are not for self, and always for God, He stays true to this word. He will give you the desires of your heart because truly when you love God, those desires were His in the first place. God is so good, what are the desires you share?

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