Monday, February 23, 2009

Who Knew?

I'm recovering today from a long weekend. Or what seemed to feel like a long weekend anyway. Our Friday consisted of starting to work on the '66 bug, when I realized that I was incredibly grouchy. Yah, grouchy. My poor husband was chipper and calm as usual, but I had to give him fair warning that this day was just not for me.
I some how irritated him and myself in the process of working on the car for all of about 10 mins, then promptly called my sister to see what she was doing.
This is pretty common for me, (to call sis) but it seems now a days, Tiff's coming around a lot more, and it makes me really happy.
So, I was doubtful we could hang out since we had so much lately, but was pleasantly surprised when she agreed to go somewhere with me. Turns out she needed an outfit for some dinner she was going to. So shopping? perfect! Just what I needed to get me out of my funk.
My mind had been buzzing with so many things going on right relationship with Christ, my friends/family, the etsy shop, and softball-of all things. I also have a condition called psuedo tumor cerebri, and have been thinking a lot about that lately as well..
Anyway, while talking to Tiff about some etsy stuff, I started to think about what it means to "make it" what it means to be great, and what it means to be the type of person that people admire. But why the admiration? why greatness? I began to wonder why people seek that greatness, seek to be recognized for something, seeks to leave a mark on something they do. It's all around us! Celebrities, athletes, they all desire the same thing.
Then, I thought about how great I have it. Seriously... I don't have a ton of money, or a million people calling me. Thousands wanting to know what I am up to,where I'm eating, shopping like the celebs do.. I simply have something great. A day, a moment, a memory that is so precious to me. a Love, and a life filled with a lot of really great things. I think I have made it..
I reflected on that a lot this weekend, realizing things here and there that I really enjoy about my day to day living.. like Saturday: I glanced over at my husband, sitting across from me at the table, while we were out eating. He is so quiet, amazing, fun. He is perfect for me. The softness to understand me, but the strongness to help me out when I need him most. He never lets me down (well rarely anyway lol). Yet, seems all we do is laugh, tease, joke, play around. It's like 2 kids in a candy shop when we go off and do things on our own. It's

He's the best I thought, *He winks*

I love my life.

This etsy shop may not make it, people may never know who I am, I may never make enough money, but God blessed my life in more ways than I can ever imagine. I smile everyday, even when in pain, and My family? Just amazing.
Cherish the moments you hold- one day, they will merely be a memory. Remember to stop long enough to realize how great you really have it, and Who it is that brought you there- have a blessed day, Happy Monday!

Friday, February 20, 2009


While in my car this morning, I was listening to my latest mix of gospel songs. I opted for a selection of songs I could dance to, and would ultimately be perfect for my day starter! While listening to cece winans Worthy I reflected on the words that so gracefully hit my ear. I thought about how Christ counted us worthy to die for us that day. Isn't that amazing, and wonderful at the same time? I know personally, day to day I forget how precious that statement is.
To think that someone loved you enough to die for you, just so you could know the love of His Father, is just too amazing to fathom. I mean, Why me?
I forget so easily sometimes, getting distracted, busy doing the things we like to do,thinking we have it planned out, wandering through life the way we feel it should be.... and then I think about a man, kneeling down, praying relentlessly for me. Knowing that one day, I will see Him again. Understanding that what He had to face was going to be painful, was going to be hard. The feelings He must have felt are all too much for me, as I don't even count myself worthy of such a precious gift. but Christ did..Who am I but a sinner, once living life like those that spat in His face, and still, He died for me.
It's enough for us all to take pause. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us, counted us worthy of a blessing we so greatly underestimate. Let us pray that when the day is done, and all is quiet, we thank God for giving us His son. Jesus Christ, who bravely endured the cross so that we could have the chance to reap an eternal reward in heaven. To be next to the Son, and out Father, forever. amen.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Watermelon Days Blog

So I finally got a few moments to start the blog for the etsy shop. So.. now you can follow Watermelon Days! I'm super excited about this new adventure, and I got the material in yesterday for our first "spring collection" (as Tiff so affectionately calls it)
We are also have a twitter account so for all you twitter peeps, you can follow us there as well.
What's first on the list of things to make you ask?
Well, personally, I am looking forward to making a receiving blanket. I remember Tiana was a baby, the receiving blanket was an all-time favorite of mine. As a mom, I loved wrapping her in the softest, most adorable blankets ever! They were so soft for me to touch when holding her, and, it made staring at her all the better when wrapped in something fun! Times are changing so things don't have to be simple anymore- they can be extravagant, fun, and downright beautiful.
I will let you know how the first ones turn out.

So, on my agenda for this weekend:

receiving blankets
burp cloths
pacifier clips!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Crazy FUN!

I was reading my friend Rebecca's blog, and its amazing how we seem to have the same idea about stuff, and I didn't even know it. Rebecca is incredibly talented, so my idea crafty is no where near her area of expertise. She is just a well rounded good-at-everything- kind of girl, so I'm hoping I won't be too embarrassed to show her my work.

With that being said, let's get you in the Loop! ~

A couple of weeks ago, my sister shot out the idea of creating some baby stuff on etsy. It has been a fun little project to investigate, so I decided to try it out! We picked a name, logo, and some other stuff for the etsy shop, and plan on having some product out by this weekend!!!! ( I said plan, as in hope)
I'm super excited, since this will be some fun quality time spent with my sis.
We found some cute fabrics for our brand new "Spring Collection" and will be opening up our shop with a give-away! Are you excited? So, if you know someone who is having a baby soon, send them here for updates on products, until the new blog for our shop is open.
We will be tracking our fun adventures, and recording any fun stuff we encounter along the way, so keep checking back for that link.
I will keep you posted on your chance to win.!!!
Wish us luck!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's been too long..

I haven't written in so long, I actually forgot the last time I signed on. Things have been quiet around our house lately with some things here and there, but nothing exciting to report on just yet. Upon signing on to my blog, I noticed I have a new follower! Thanks for tuning in Dianne, welcome!

So...I was visiting with my greatest friend Becky recently, and she really got me thinking. We reflected on our friendship, and how many ups and down we have had in the past. The place we are now, verses the place we used to be sort of thing. I remember the life I lived before Christ, but I very rarely ever recall it. That person is so far from who I am today. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a horrible person, but doing what I liked to do? Always. She commented on how I was the old Tawn, and then suddenly I changed into a totally different person. In her words I was:
"sooo not that person anymore. you took off- just..gone." she said.

I smiled.
I thought to myself "behold all things become new" (2Corinthians5:17)

Ok so lets be real- Being obedient is hard. It can be really hard. We grow up thinking we know what is best for ourselves, but when you find yourself in love with Christ, all you want to do is keep Him happy. You even find yourself asking, what do I do now? What must I do to please you Lord? How can I become better?
I remember so many things changing for me, it was fun! It was amazing, and I could feel myself being enveloped by a new Spirit. There was so much comfort in that, and I was refreshed in the process. Like chains breaking, I felt myself being set free from so many things I felt I was afraid of..
Now does this mean that my walk was peachy keen, and that nothing was difficult? No. Not at all. I wanted so much to change so quickly that I often became discouraged, and frustrated with my walk. The urgency was apparent, for no day is promised to us, and Gods work is at hand.
I wondered where He was taking me, how I would get there, and how long the journey would take. But the blessed thing is, when I spent more time with Him, I cared less and less about what I was doing, and more about what He was doing. Staying focused and unmoving, Christ added to me so much more than I expected.

As I sat across from the friend that knew everything there was to ever know about me, I realized that my life had in fact been taken over. Even she was amazed! I had gone, and His daughter had become new. A husband, a family, a blessed church family, and sooo many friends that I could count on within that congregation. I HAVE been blessed. My life is completely new, and a wonderful manifestation of Christ's hand within my life. Yes, once feeling alone, Christ took me, carried me, and added to me blessings. His Love continues and I pray that all find the way to be obedient in Christ. He is the best friend I could ever have, for no one has given to me like He has, and no one ever will. He is the One, and my Only!