Friday, February 20, 2009


While in my car this morning, I was listening to my latest mix of gospel songs. I opted for a selection of songs I could dance to, and would ultimately be perfect for my day starter! While listening to cece winans Worthy I reflected on the words that so gracefully hit my ear. I thought about how Christ counted us worthy to die for us that day. Isn't that amazing, and wonderful at the same time? I know personally, day to day I forget how precious that statement is.
To think that someone loved you enough to die for you, just so you could know the love of His Father, is just too amazing to fathom. I mean, Why me?
I forget so easily sometimes, getting distracted, busy doing the things we like to do,thinking we have it planned out, wandering through life the way we feel it should be.... and then I think about a man, kneeling down, praying relentlessly for me. Knowing that one day, I will see Him again. Understanding that what He had to face was going to be painful, was going to be hard. The feelings He must have felt are all too much for me, as I don't even count myself worthy of such a precious gift. but Christ did..Who am I but a sinner, once living life like those that spat in His face, and still, He died for me.
It's enough for us all to take pause. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us, counted us worthy of a blessing we so greatly underestimate. Let us pray that when the day is done, and all is quiet, we thank God for giving us His son. Jesus Christ, who bravely endured the cross so that we could have the chance to reap an eternal reward in heaven. To be next to the Son, and out Father, forever. amen.

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