Friday, August 29, 2008

Pictures, Pictures

So, I love Pictures, and my sister loves taking pictures. I just enjoy looking at them. Its art- you can capture so many things with one click, and my sister has a really good eye for it. Well, I have an abundace of pictures on my computer and sometimes I can't help but to enjoy looking at them over and over... I love to play with these pictures and edit them, so I thought i would share- Here are some of my very favorites!

There are so many more, but I love pictures of my family. There is such beauty inside each and every one of them, and i just love to stop and admire them for who they are : )

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Life Lessons from Dinner

After a crazy busy day, I got home to get ready for my night...the routine was pretty normal. Fix or grab dinner, do homework, and think about what time the events of the evening will take place.
Well, I made some left over pasta that was in the fridge, cut up a peach, and pulled some baby carrots from the fridge. After I ate my yummy pasta, and savored my juicy peach, I started in on my carrots. (Let me just cut off here and say I love baby carrots! They are so crunchy and delicious, and I think I fell in love with their cute little shape ages ago). So anyway, I start in on my yummy treat, and I toss a couple of carrots to the side for not tasting as yummy as I expected them to be-and then suddenly, I felt a metaphor coming on..
I thought about how people are very much like these carrots. They look wonderful on the outside, but when you get to the inside, they sometimes are just plain yucky..they either end up tasting like nothing at all, or like the dirt that they were grown in. They are mostly all good, but everyonce in a while you get that especially sweet one, the one that is so good, you wish all of them would be that way, and then you stop to savor it for as long as you can.
Bear with me here while I explain: see, People often make themselves out to be something beautiful on the outside, often hoping to attract attention. They think that if they look apealing, seem appealing, and blend in with everyone else, maybe you won't notice how yucky they really are on the inside. Wishing that you when you get to the very substantace of who they are, you won't realize that they've got no substance at all, and maybe just a product of what they were raised in.
Then I began to elevate this thought- what if God were like us? I was so quick to toss those carrots aside because they weren't what I expected, and frankly I couldn't bear to even suffer through their awful and lack luster taste. What if He just tossed us aside beacause of what we were on the inside..I mean, would any of us survive?
Really, here is the great thing about matter how many sinful people there are, He doesn't toss them. He washes them, He waits on them, and He Loves them until they become the very sweetest one in the batch. And then, I think.. He smiles.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Well, Its Sunday!

And I love Sunday! Every Sunday I gather with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I can't wait to see each and every one of them!The experience to me is so sweet because we all gather there for the same wonderful reason- to learn, to grow, and to Praise God! Life can get in the way sometimes, and having that time on sunday often reminds me to slow down, glance around the room, and take in the Grace and Love that is Jesus Christ. I can see it on the peoples faces, also including mine, as there is such an inner peace that can be shared in an enviroment like that. I love these people, I mean I really do. However, I think this Sunday was slightly different. Sweeter than a lot of sundays before, and I will tell you why. Friday, as you all know, I hung out with my friends from church. (They are SOO much more than that but I think that best sums it up for here). It was our first time hanging out with one couple, and a long time coming with the other couple. In any case, I have always been the type to wonder how things will "pan out" for all parties involved;usually concerned with everyone being happy, and feely comfy, and as a result, I tend to be observant to everything that goes on around me. This time it was different. I found that things just worked themselves out, and when just sitting back and relaxing, i enjoyed the experience 10 times more than I usually would. I walked away with such a love for these people, that it was like I had been visiting with my favorite cousins, etc in the family. I found that Love really does know no bounds, and that it's easy to care for people intensly when you let God guide you...In short the friday nite hangout was amazing. But ok umm back to Sunday- we had a brother that desperatly needed our prayers when he was facing a life or death illness. Through Prayer, fasting, and faith, he was returned back to us today. It is an amazing feeling to see God working, and I was so happy that everytime I thought of it, I found myself holding back tears of happiness. The Truth is, We aren't worthy of such saving, but as brothers and sisters we weren't ready to give up our brother without a fight, and as a result, there he stood! God really really is good!Then, last but not least-my boyfriend was home, as he made the long drive back this weekend. It seems like I smile "two fold" when he is here, and I savor the moments we share together. The days go by so quickly when he is here and it seems that as soon as I see him, its time for him to go. Nevertheless, I cherish the time spent and it keeps me anxiously waiting for the day when he will be home without having to travel. In any case, life is so precious, and its weekends like these that make our mulititude of problems seem to simply disappear....all we have to do is find happiness in the small things, and this weekend-I did. Amen :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Going to Be a Great Weekend~

Well, the weekend is here...
I am at work, but can't help focusing on my after work duties. My boyfriend has been out of town for the past 8 weeks coming in on average about every other weekend. This sounds great except for the small detail that when he does come into town, we CRAM a bunch of stuff into a very short and quick-moving weekend. It makes for a very interesting weekend, and I kind get a kick out of how everyone seems to be in a whirlwind but me. I have everything planned out to a "T" , but somehow it gets VERY lost in translation...I always confused other parties involved, so I think for this weekend, just to be especially sweet, I will spare my boyfriend the typical last minute conversations- This is usually how it pans out..

Tawn:"hey -we have to be at such-in-such place in like an hour- are you ready?"

Stevie:"WHAT?" (in a most groggy state..)

Tawn: Yah, remeber how i told you about that? we have to leave soon though...gotta be THERE
in an hour, and i don't want to be late, because after that we have to go (fill in blank) "

Stevie: "Babe, I just got up..what time is it"

Tawn: "well, lets see...yup- it's time to get up!"

And so on, until He just gets up, or I have to come in again. But this weekend, yup- Its going to be different. He is fully aware of the plan, and we are going to have a great time! Tonight we are meeting with some friends, and I am just too excited. Not about the event itself, but just about the time spent with some great friends. Great people, great conversation, laughter, and some embrassing moments- it doesnt get any better than that! I'm one of those people that gets jazzed at the very thought of building new memories. When I sit across from that person years from now, I enjoy the thoought of reflecting on how great times were/are. This should be one of the highlights of my weekend- I will let you know how it goes...but..It will probably be great! stay tuned :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New, I mean Brand New!!

Hello Everyone,
WOW! So My friend Rebecca has inspired me to totally get out here and Blog. I thought it would be fun since my random thoughts often to go to waste with no audience to share them with. Wish me luck- I observe a lot of things during my day, so things may get a little weird around here. I will post a new blog soon. Today in itself has been a pretty crazy day. I have a great and hugely busy weekend ahead of me. Filled with losts of "How am I supposed to be in two places at the exact same time" moments. You know its pretty bad when your loved one says that we may or mat not stop at a small store because "we may not have enough time" followed with "what exactly do we have planned this weekend?" I soon realized that I tend to JAM pack my time, often bringing loved ones down with me. Yes, I enjoy being busy- as a matter of fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. Life if full of great little moments, and I intend not to miss a speck of it! Here we go....