Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Life Lessons from Dinner

After a crazy busy day, I got home to get ready for my night...the routine was pretty normal. Fix or grab dinner, do homework, and think about what time the events of the evening will take place.
Well, I made some left over pasta that was in the fridge, cut up a peach, and pulled some baby carrots from the fridge. After I ate my yummy pasta, and savored my juicy peach, I started in on my carrots. (Let me just cut off here and say I love baby carrots! They are so crunchy and delicious, and I think I fell in love with their cute little shape ages ago). So anyway, I start in on my yummy treat, and I toss a couple of carrots to the side for not tasting as yummy as I expected them to be-and then suddenly, I felt a metaphor coming on..
I thought about how people are very much like these carrots. They look wonderful on the outside, but when you get to the inside, they sometimes are just plain yucky..they either end up tasting like nothing at all, or like the dirt that they were grown in. They are mostly all good, but everyonce in a while you get that especially sweet one, the one that is so good, you wish all of them would be that way, and then you stop to savor it for as long as you can.
Bear with me here while I explain: see, People often make themselves out to be something beautiful on the outside, often hoping to attract attention. They think that if they look apealing, seem appealing, and blend in with everyone else, maybe you won't notice how yucky they really are on the inside. Wishing that you when you get to the very substantace of who they are, you won't realize that they've got no substance at all, and maybe just a product of what they were raised in.
Then I began to elevate this thought- what if God were like us? I was so quick to toss those carrots aside because they weren't what I expected, and frankly I couldn't bear to even suffer through their awful and lack luster taste. What if He just tossed us aside beacause of what we were on the inside..I mean, would any of us survive?
Really, here is the great thing about matter how many sinful people there are, He doesn't toss them. He washes them, He waits on them, and He Loves them until they become the very sweetest one in the batch. And then, I think.. He smiles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I usually add salt to my baby carrots then they all are pretty sweet :)

But - that's alot of deep though on CARROTS.
Love ya sis.