Sunday, August 24, 2008

Well, Its Sunday!

And I love Sunday! Every Sunday I gather with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I can't wait to see each and every one of them!The experience to me is so sweet because we all gather there for the same wonderful reason- to learn, to grow, and to Praise God! Life can get in the way sometimes, and having that time on sunday often reminds me to slow down, glance around the room, and take in the Grace and Love that is Jesus Christ. I can see it on the peoples faces, also including mine, as there is such an inner peace that can be shared in an enviroment like that. I love these people, I mean I really do. However, I think this Sunday was slightly different. Sweeter than a lot of sundays before, and I will tell you why. Friday, as you all know, I hung out with my friends from church. (They are SOO much more than that but I think that best sums it up for here). It was our first time hanging out with one couple, and a long time coming with the other couple. In any case, I have always been the type to wonder how things will "pan out" for all parties involved;usually concerned with everyone being happy, and feely comfy, and as a result, I tend to be observant to everything that goes on around me. This time it was different. I found that things just worked themselves out, and when just sitting back and relaxing, i enjoyed the experience 10 times more than I usually would. I walked away with such a love for these people, that it was like I had been visiting with my favorite cousins, etc in the family. I found that Love really does know no bounds, and that it's easy to care for people intensly when you let God guide you...In short the friday nite hangout was amazing. But ok umm back to Sunday- we had a brother that desperatly needed our prayers when he was facing a life or death illness. Through Prayer, fasting, and faith, he was returned back to us today. It is an amazing feeling to see God working, and I was so happy that everytime I thought of it, I found myself holding back tears of happiness. The Truth is, We aren't worthy of such saving, but as brothers and sisters we weren't ready to give up our brother without a fight, and as a result, there he stood! God really really is good!Then, last but not least-my boyfriend was home, as he made the long drive back this weekend. It seems like I smile "two fold" when he is here, and I savor the moments we share together. The days go by so quickly when he is here and it seems that as soon as I see him, its time for him to go. Nevertheless, I cherish the time spent and it keeps me anxiously waiting for the day when he will be home without having to travel. In any case, life is so precious, and its weekends like these that make our mulititude of problems seem to simply disappear....all we have to do is find happiness in the small things, and this weekend-I did. Amen :)

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