Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We're Back!

Yup, My friend and I...we're back!You would have to know the whole back story, but we hit a rough spot in our friendship, and I think we are well on our way to recovery! I thought about this today after talking to her. She knows who she is, and I am so thankful for her this day! I often have a hard time telling people how I feel about them, as I have come face to face with this in planning for the wedding. I'm just hard-wired that way. I'm uncomfortable putting myself out there, in fear of sounding stupid, or just not getting the feelings reciprocated. But who cares, I am dealing with a lot so i may as well let this one go too right? Continuing, said friend and I had a misunderstanding, and I feared that our friendship would never be the same. How I longed for us just to go back to the way things were...she is a new friend, so I don't know her as well I i wish to, and I feared that our dear friendship may have been seriously damaged. This saddened me, as I have had 2 really great friends that I lost touch with for wayyy to long. They, coincidentally are wonderful friends of friends of mine to this day. Makes this seem even more ridiculous doesn't it? Yeah I know. I talked to her today, and we are on our way back to being great friends! She is helping me with some wonderful goodies for my wedding and I am so thankful for her. Here's to a life long friendship!

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