To stop blogging. This blog is meant to edify God in all He does, but sometimes I wonder if it causes more problems than solutions?
Meaning, when we get together in friends, and make new friends, it is God I wish for them to see. Sometimes when I write, I feel like people look at me, and not the message that is given through me. Often times when God has laid something upon my heart, I will share it, but I have found frustration in things others do, hoping they have heard the words, but never knowing if they got the true meaning of it all.
Man is so much smaller than God, and there is no way we could ever compare to Him. His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts higher than our thoughts, (Isaiah 55:9) So,to hold others to an expectation of loving God the same way I do, is impossible, and I have come to realize this. For every one's walk is different, and God works with them in His own way, but I wonder: have they listened? Have they put themselves aside?
I am studying in Galatians right now, and began to see a bigger picture. Who are we serving, man or Christ? Life is too short to serve man, to wonder about how he is spending his time, or what he is doing here or there. No, as confessed believers in Christ, I believe our job is to teach, as we have opportunity, and spread the Love f Christ. When we focus on ourselves, we don't always give God the glory. I can identify, as I have been there before.
But now, I strive to be as close to God as possible, seeking to live my life like Christ. Am I perfect? No. But when I see something that I must change, I do.
Will you?
Life is but a vapor, and when it is gone, you have no other chances.
How are you spending your time?
Who is your life focused on?
Let us put away those things that edify us, and seek those things that edify God:
Galatians 5:24-26:
24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
So, with that said, I will be leaving my blog until felt so lead to return. It may be soon, it may be never. If you wish to keep in contact, my email address is provided there on the right.
Remember: Spend time with God, for tomorrow is never promised. Think of the day you find yourself before the Lord, what will you say? I pray that you will be before Him as an obedient servant, patient,kind, and hard working. Sacrificing for the Lord always, and seeking His face often, before seeking His hand. When you do...You. Will.Be. Blessed.
Have a wonderful time with Christ, He is one of the best friends you have ever received! Enjoy Him! I know I will!
With Love always,
Sewing Machine IN!!!!
15 years ago
1 comment:
Hello, wow it's been so long since I even looked back at my blog. But I just wanted to thank you for your words of encouragement and your guidance from God. I was going through my first heartbreak back in 2009 and it was tough but I found your love of your husband, life, and friends inspiring. It gave me hope that things could get better and happy! I want a fulfilling life to and I think I will start that now! Once again thank you.
Dianne Avondale, AZ
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