Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Out Of Sorts

It has been an interesting couple of days so far. I'm feeling very "out of sorts" since Sunday.

First, my husband left town for work for three weeks, which is always hard for me,and 2nd, I had something going on that Sunday morning that really bothered me. Family stuff, but no big deal. For now.

I spend a lot of time thinking about why people do the things they do. Even why I do the things I do. I am committed to a few things in my life, but when I commit, I give whole-hearted and I tend to expect the same from others.

I have recently evaluated time with God, children, and family, plus any extra curriculars like church, and on side of that- softball. Church is MOST important to me, and I can't imagine anything in the world being more important than Christ. I think that's where my mood started. When I had to leave church early, it took away from me. Like not getting to eat a whole meal. I was hungry.

I hear conversations all the time at work about this and that, these plans and that plans, but I think I have to be careful with what I do with my time. God is a jealous God, and if we are to love Him first, we should love HIM first.

I have a hard time conveying this to many people, as I let my frustrations get in the way- I mean, If I'M frustrated, disappointed, and let down by the choice people make when they profess to know God, I can't even imagine how Christ himself may feel. It hurt me to imagine hurting a precious thing like Christ, or even upsetting and all-mighty and powerful God.

How patient is He? Just wonderfully patient. I love God and the last thing I want to do it hurt Him. So why do we struggle with this? Why is putting God first too much to ask of some? It's dis-heartening, I have to admit.

Anyway, all this has made me somber this week. Feeling hopeless in my small human body, but knowing that there is a God that creates all things. Reminding me of how precious life really is. I just pray that those close to me will know the Love, enjoyment, and fullness that comes with knowing God. Your burden truly does become light..who wouldn't want EVERYONE to know that??

So, take time to reflect. Prioritize your tasks, and make room for God- He ALWAYS makes room for you- have a blessed day.

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