Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Going to Be a Great Weekend~

Well, the weekend is here...
I am at work, but can't help focusing on my after work duties. My boyfriend has been out of town for the past 8 weeks coming in on average about every other weekend. This sounds great except for the small detail that when he does come into town, we CRAM a bunch of stuff into a very short and quick-moving weekend. It makes for a very interesting weekend, and I kind get a kick out of how everyone seems to be in a whirlwind but me. I have everything planned out to a "T" , but somehow it gets VERY lost in translation...I always confused other parties involved, so I think for this weekend, just to be especially sweet, I will spare my boyfriend the typical last minute conversations- This is usually how it pans out..

Tawn:"hey -we have to be at such-in-such place in like an hour- are you ready?"

Stevie:"WHAT?" (in a most groggy state..)

Tawn: Yah, remeber how i told you about that? we have to leave soon though...gotta be THERE
in an hour, and i don't want to be late, because after that we have to go (fill in blank) "

Stevie: "Babe, I just got up..what time is it"

Tawn: "well, lets see...yup- it's time to get up!"

And so on, until He just gets up, or I have to come in again. But this weekend, yup- Its going to be different. He is fully aware of the plan, and we are going to have a great time! Tonight we are meeting with some friends, and I am just too excited. Not about the event itself, but just about the time spent with some great friends. Great people, great conversation, laughter, and some embrassing moments- it doesnt get any better than that! I'm one of those people that gets jazzed at the very thought of building new memories. When I sit across from that person years from now, I enjoy the thoought of reflecting on how great times were/are. This should be one of the highlights of my weekend- I will let you know how it goes...but..It will probably be great! stay tuned :)

1 comment:

Sparklinbecks said...

It is going to be a great weekend! New memories are the best!

The poor men in our lives, never know if they are coming or going!!