Monday, September 8, 2008

It's been a while..

I haven't posted in a sue me. I have been crazy busy with what people call one of the most impotant days of your life- my wedding. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited, I just feel like I have a lot of details to uncover and plan out in a very short space of time.
"Everything is supposed to be low key honey,
don't worry about it honey,
it will all work out honey"..
OH YEAH? how does this stuff magically get done without anyone actually doing it? Is there a tiny wedding fairy that waves her magic wand, and poofs up the perfect amount of food, tables, chairs and accessories? because if there is, she flew RIGHT past my house, and I need to contact her asap! I din't think so..So since there is no wedding fairy,I will hash it all out myself. Let's see: I started my weekend with a well equipped list of things i wanted to accomplish before my workweek started. I had to:

1. Get jewlery for my wedding outfit-didnt happen. NOBODY had anything with color in it..or anything remotely like what i wanted

2. I had to get something for my dear friend Rebecca. I did that! I was so happy I found what I was looking for, and I think she really enjoyed it. It was nice to take the time to really think about the person you are shopping for, so I had to seperate my mindset to find something perfect- anyway i walked away with something very lovely.

3. I had to get a hairpiece for my updo- long story short- done.

4. I wanted to look at alternative shoes- didn't find any. Once again, nobody likes color this time of year.

and the list goes on. Well, I wrapped up my saturday with pretty much everything on my list complete, so my sunday was available and free to focus on God- Church was amazing as usual, and after that i went to the christian store to pick up something for my fiance. I was so proud that I had everything done, and I was sharing with him the accounts of the day before. Here's where the store takes a turn..I'm on the phone with Mr. Right when he mentions that we should probably send out invitations! Did I mention my wedding is in 3 weeks? This is like throwing a nuclear bomb on my well-organized,happy little sunday! I took a deep breath and kindly said ok, and then proceeded to have silent PANIC attack right there in the middle of the store! I rushed out of there, called my friend becky and told her that I was in desperate need of a printer, and creative help. She was on it, and I was on my way. After stopping at a much needed starbucks, I ran into her house and got to work. We had some trouble with the wording and font, but it ended up wonderful. She made a comment about how unstoppable we are and then followed it with an interesting "it's like we feed each other greatness". I laughed and then realized that I didn't have a nice pen or a gluegun(which was needed for the ridiculous wax seals that i bought)so..Becky and I made a stint to target-us, and all our greatness too. Then, BACK to her house to apply wax seals, address envelopes, and figure out the mess that is wedding invitaion "who gets what". Oh well, they are all done now, and I sent some off this morning as scheduled! I am more than happy with the results, and I walked away with a brand new appreciation for the term "best friend"..Thanks Becky and Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3 weeks? You are getting married in 3 weeks?