Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tuesday birthday, Thursday log : )

So my birthday was on Tuesday and I feel bad that I didn't post anything that day. But in the way of time, it seems as though I am running extremely thin..beware, this one will be long..
Anyway, as far as birthdays go, I rather enjoyed this one. I let the Lord just take over my day, and let Him dictate the events of the day as well.I was extremely at peace at didn't seek to get any one's attention on my big day. This is odd for me, because I always looked forward to my birthday because it was MY day.. The day was all about me, and I thought that it was well deserved.
Well, This year was different..soooo different. I was simply grateful for the people that picked up the phone to wish me a happy birthday! It was such a relief not getting disappointed when nobody called, or didn't say anything, or forgot completely. This day God gave me a pretty special gift I think. He opened my eyes to the things that are usually unseen. The acts of kindness and gifts of Love that come from people that truly care about you. Here's what I mean:
My day started at about 5:45am. I got a phone call from one of my very favorite people- My sister! She had to be the first one to wish me a happy birthday, and I was so glad that she took the time to call me asap in the morning. I just love her.
Then, My mom came in my room as she had every year as far back as I can remember. As you can tell, my family makes a big deal of birthdays, and we have adopted a tradition of being the first of the first to wish each other a very special day. This tradition was institutionalized by my mother, so it always brings a certain aspect of comfort for me on that day. Anyway, this year was no different. She came into my room with a bubbly (and all so intrusive when you are half asleep) "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Followed by a climb into bed with me, and a warm hug. I should point out that my mom is not always overly affectionate, as she likes to give us our space, so this is also an expected and welcome treat. Mom affectionately tells me happy birthday again, smiles, and then quietly asks "where did my baby go?" I smiled back and said.."I don't know mom." and we laugh.
Mom exits the room, and a few minutes later my daughter comes in..."happy birthday mom" she says in a slight whisper..the sound echoes through my ear and i am overcome with happiness. She climbs into bed with me, and we sit there cuddling for a few moments. Time to get up! I said, and we went on with are usually morning routine..
There were some phone calls from good friends, and i was relieved to know they hadn't forgotten about me. it is sooo sweet to know you are loved. Here's where it gets even better:
Around 11am i get a phone call from the flower guy. "Flowers?" I said. He followed with a "Tawn Williams right?" YES! I knew who sent them to me..My wonderful Fiance! I should take a side note here and tell you that no boyfriend I have ever had has gotten my flowers, so this was really special to me.
Well, not only does he know me, but he KNOWS me! I am not especially girlie, so just because our relationship is really very awesome, he sent me the girliest flowers in the world. Attached with a balloon and a teddy bear! I wanted to melt when I saw them because I know that he picked them just for me. It's amazing what God can do when you let him.. Stevie has been such a blessing to me, and really showed me what loving someone is about. it's not about the things you give, but about the love in your heart when you give them- he really is the best!
I was on cloud 9 when my friend from high school called me and asked me what I was going to do for dinner. I replied, with a enthusiastic "nothing" "I want to take you out!" she says, and we set a time. I really love this friend because we have been through some tough times, and she really knows me for who I am. I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing that dinner was, and she got me an amazing gift!
I just couldn't stop praising God after that was the best thing He could have done for me. I appreciate so much when God lets me see the beautiful things that surround me. I may not have gotten a big hurrah, or lots of gifts, or a special something with a ton of people..I got something better. The realization that people really do care about be, and the love i felt on my birthday has been a blessing that God gave me each and everyday. It was not that different than any other day, and I think that is the greatest gift of all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this entry. I was able to be there with you when your family wakes you up with a special birthday greeting. Kudos!