Monday, October 27, 2008

Prepping for Game night!

Yeah, That's right I said it. And, frankly, I can't believe I just did. It must be a part of growing up, or life coming full circle, but I'm super excited! There is something about laughter in a home that makes my heart skip. Good friends are always fun to be around, but when they are people that you love as well-it's even better. Family is great when it comes in friend form, and when family gets together- again- it's amazing. Stevie and I are having it at our home, and I am glad to have the time to welcome everyone in. I have been off for a little while now, and I think I would have felt really rushed had I been at work. I just like having people around- always have. Wish me luck! This week will be crazy, and I have to make sure everything is super clean! yayyy.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Great News!

We have a new addition to our family! So today is Stevie's birthday and last night we got a sweet dog named "smokey". Stevie had been wanting an Australian Shepard for a time now, and we just couldn't find one that fit us. Well, while searching for a while, we found one listed and went to go look at him. He is so sweet and kind and he does all kinds of fun stuff like play fetch and Frisbee. He and Payton (my collie) got acquainted last night, and this morning they are the best of friends! It all worked out. Stevie is super excited, and the dog is truly a blessing.
Stevie and I began to talk about how God does things like this. When we don't pray for something, its because we often think it's trivial or we think we would be "bothering" Christ. But how soon we forget that God knows the desires of out hearts before we ask for them. He always wants to see us happy, and just like a good parent, He will give us something fun, something unexpected, and something and that we will patiently wait for.
I realized that Stevie and I have taken on a "if I get something, great. if not, still-praise God." attitude when it comes to birthdays. God will do things in His own time, and as crazy and insignificant as asking for a dog may seem, I think this dog was God's way of saying- I see you, I love you, and by the way Happy Birthday! He is so good to us!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yummy Treats!

I must be in a seriously "sweet" mood! I have been searching for things to cook and bake left and right lately, just looking for things that are yummy, not traditional, and fun (not to mention easy) to make. Stevie and I decided to make a really special dinner tonight since I had been talking about a meat market in our area. When we got there I was overwhelmed and mystified at the amount of meat! The prices were great, and I plan on making it our family stop for meat from now on! So after deciding on steaks, baked potatoes, and homemade mac and cheese, I also thought I would make desert as well. Why not right? I stumbled on this super easy and really delicious idea- S'more brownies! They have a recipe to make from scratch but I decided to take the quick and easy route. The recipe calls for homemade Graham cracker crust on the bottom of an 8X8 pan. I didn't like the idea of having to melt the marshmallows at one time, so I opted for the pre-made individual ones shown here.
I also decided to go for brownie mix instead of doing it on my own. Too much work to add on top of what I was already doing, but I have to admit it sounded fun. So I basically made the brownie mix and poured them in the individual cups. I baked at 350 for about 30 minutes or so. This is how they came out..

After they were done cooling, I added the marshmallows and put them under the broiler for about 1 minute or 2. just until "roasted"
It was a little hard to get the marshmallows on the tops of these so my first two looked like this. I liked that I could keep practicing with the more I do! Baking is fun! Next projects: Carmel Apple Pie, and Creme Brule!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Carmel Apples

Hello Everyone!
While on a quick trip to the market, Stevie noticed a "carmel apple kit" It looked really easy and was a welcome change of events for the evening. We were all looking forward to the apples, but I have to admit I expected a crazy mess. After refrigerating the apples and dipping them, they came out great! I decided next time I will decorate them will all kinds of fun stuf!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just some thoughts..

Hello Again everyone, thanks for tuning in to my blog! So I haven't posted anything in a couple of days..sorry :( I wanted to share some pictures of the wedding..But first, I wanted to say that this was one of the most blessed times of my life. In the days after, I reflected on the phrase"married life". I was asked a ton of times how "married life" was..which is funny to me in 2 ways:

1. I have only been married for a week, so I'm no marriage instructor yet
2. My husband had to go back out of town to work after our wedding weekend, so I haven't had much married life AT ALL yet.
(btw, I did take a like-ing to calling Stevie my husband. I think this is mostly because it's so new-check with me in a few months, and I probably won't care.)

Anyway, I thought about what it means to be married, and how scared I was to "grow up". I began to realize that being married to my best friend, and someone I can continue to count on was a wonderful, wonderful thing. The whole thing happened so fast, and I was surrounded by so many people I love, that I forgot all about growing up, and the fears I had faced prior to the life journey ahead of me.

I asked this question in my last blog, and I keep asking God it today "Why me Lord? What do you want with me? I don't deserve the love you gave me, and I don't deserve all that you have given me to date. Today, tomorrow, what could you possibly want with ME?" and the Lord said to me- "why not you? I can make something from nothing, and when you love Me, I will love you."

Wow. Its true, but I was still unable to fathom why God would want to do anything for an unperfect human like me. Listen, you have to understand that I had given up on love. I had nothing BUT hard relationships that I thought were pretty difficult, and undesirable. I came to the realization that I would be in a relationship that would require A LOT of work.. But God gave me a new relationship. When I fell in love with His son, and devoted my life to loving Him, I was blessed. Nothing else mattered-still doesn't. He gave me a husband, He gave me my life, He gave me the relationship I have with my children- He gave me my children! As long as I can take breath, I will be in love with our Lord. Forever. Jesus said in John 14:6-"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."-and thats why I love Him. Though I am a sinner and not worthy of His grace, He brought me to the table. Set me apart for His service., and loved me as His own. That's what He wants from me. Love. To Himself, and to His children. God is good-Thank Him in all you do!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm Back!

Hello Everyone! It has been a blessed week indeed..I'm not really sure where to start. I guess we can start with the wedding. I will post some pictures, so stay tuned.Let's start shall we?
I have to say the wedding far exceeded my expectations! Everything came out perfectly, so I knew that God was smiling on us! My (then) fiance came out on weds. which was cutting it close, but I was so excited to see him! He lights up my life, and there is a certain calmness he brings when he is around. I love that about him, and when I saw him, I knew i was making the right choice. We really do balance each other out- I tend to be a little silly and over the top, and he is calm and has a quiet, yet VERY effective sense of's great! So... Tiana went with me to the airport, quite anxious to see her dad- so much so, that she waited OUTSIDE the car until he came walking out. She was super excited..(I tell you, a child wears "happy" so well on their little faces, its hard not to smile.)

Rehersal was on thursday night, and the pastor, who also is a dear friend of mine was late. and when I mean late, I mean LATE! Turns out he had gotten into a car accident. I felt awful, but was glad that he was well enough to come out.

Rehearsal went well, and my cousin flew in from California that night! I was so happy to see her since it had been a long time, and she is one of the most cherished people in my life. I knew everything was going to be great- I was surrounded by so much love and joy, I felt comforted knowing that everything was truly going to be OK.

I have to let you know that this decision was the easiest one I ever had to make. I have so much trust and faith in God, that I wasn't afraid to marry Stevie. It's just the growing up part I fear most. wondering what God has in store for me inside my family..its scary. Scripture tells us" for whom ever much is given, much is required." This is a heavy statement. God indeed had blessed me, and I couldn't begin to repay Him. what would He require of me?

Anyway, after a long day, and a very long wait, it was time for me to start. I noticed the stars in the sky were amazing that night, and I could tell you that the magic in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. There was a peace I have never known before, a beauty that surpasses all feelings I have known, and a love that poured from my heart like an unassuming well.
I heard things, and people talking, but all I could see was my husband. the fear I had before subsided and I soon began to realize that my life would consist of he,I, Christ, and our beautiful children. Life would be alright after all!

Long story short (well kind of) we had an amazing time. We stayed at a resort here in phoenix and "lived it up" for a couple days...back to reality now.

such a shame..maybe this is what Cinderella felt like...just.after.midnight.