Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm Back!

Hello Everyone! It has been a blessed week indeed..I'm not really sure where to start. I guess we can start with the wedding. I will post some pictures, so stay tuned.Let's start shall we?
I have to say the wedding far exceeded my expectations! Everything came out perfectly, so I knew that God was smiling on us! My (then) fiance came out on weds. which was cutting it close, but I was so excited to see him! He lights up my life, and there is a certain calmness he brings when he is around. I love that about him, and when I saw him, I knew i was making the right choice. We really do balance each other out- I tend to be a little silly and over the top, and he is calm and has a quiet, yet VERY effective sense of's great! So... Tiana went with me to the airport, quite anxious to see her dad- so much so, that she waited OUTSIDE the car until he came walking out. She was super excited..(I tell you, a child wears "happy" so well on their little faces, its hard not to smile.)

Rehersal was on thursday night, and the pastor, who also is a dear friend of mine was late. and when I mean late, I mean LATE! Turns out he had gotten into a car accident. I felt awful, but was glad that he was well enough to come out.

Rehearsal went well, and my cousin flew in from California that night! I was so happy to see her since it had been a long time, and she is one of the most cherished people in my life. I knew everything was going to be great- I was surrounded by so much love and joy, I felt comforted knowing that everything was truly going to be OK.

I have to let you know that this decision was the easiest one I ever had to make. I have so much trust and faith in God, that I wasn't afraid to marry Stevie. It's just the growing up part I fear most. wondering what God has in store for me inside my family..its scary. Scripture tells us" for whom ever much is given, much is required." This is a heavy statement. God indeed had blessed me, and I couldn't begin to repay Him. what would He require of me?

Anyway, after a long day, and a very long wait, it was time for me to start. I noticed the stars in the sky were amazing that night, and I could tell you that the magic in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. There was a peace I have never known before, a beauty that surpasses all feelings I have known, and a love that poured from my heart like an unassuming well.
I heard things, and people talking, but all I could see was my husband. the fear I had before subsided and I soon began to realize that my life would consist of he,I, Christ, and our beautiful children. Life would be alright after all!

Long story short (well kind of) we had an amazing time. We stayed at a resort here in phoenix and "lived it up" for a couple days...back to reality now.

such a shame..maybe this is what Cinderella felt like...just.after.midnight.


Sparklinbecks said...

so glad that everything went well!

Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm sure it was a beautiful ceremony. I wish I could have made it! Well, at least I was there in spirit ;)

One love.