Monday, October 20, 2008

Great News!

We have a new addition to our family! So today is Stevie's birthday and last night we got a sweet dog named "smokey". Stevie had been wanting an Australian Shepard for a time now, and we just couldn't find one that fit us. Well, while searching for a while, we found one listed and went to go look at him. He is so sweet and kind and he does all kinds of fun stuff like play fetch and Frisbee. He and Payton (my collie) got acquainted last night, and this morning they are the best of friends! It all worked out. Stevie is super excited, and the dog is truly a blessing.
Stevie and I began to talk about how God does things like this. When we don't pray for something, its because we often think it's trivial or we think we would be "bothering" Christ. But how soon we forget that God knows the desires of out hearts before we ask for them. He always wants to see us happy, and just like a good parent, He will give us something fun, something unexpected, and something and that we will patiently wait for.
I realized that Stevie and I have taken on a "if I get something, great. if not, still-praise God." attitude when it comes to birthdays. God will do things in His own time, and as crazy and insignificant as asking for a dog may seem, I think this dog was God's way of saying- I see you, I love you, and by the way Happy Birthday! He is so good to us!

1 comment:

Sparklinbecks said...

How fun is that! I am excited for you guys!