Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm Finding Time..

I'm finding time today to share something that has really uplifted my week. I have been busy, and should probably be doing a lot of other things right now, but I wanted to capture the goodness that I have felt throughout the week.
God has opened up a chance for me to talk consistantly with someone that I think previously (though I wanted to) had not always sought to draw close to. Again not intentionally, but I was too worried about what she would think, if she was too busy, or that she would just have something better to do than talk to me..(silly huh?) I wished that I was closer to this person but never put forth an agressive action to do so.
Well, somehow things changed..and I'm soooo happy they did. The time was right, and everything just seemed so comfortable and easy and fun at the same time. I see this person week after week, and just thought that we were close, but not that close,and I wondered of we ever would be. After all, when I talked to her, I always enjoyed it, so what was keeping us from being great friends?
Then I realized it...I was. I was so afraid of feeling silly or putting myself out there, that I held back from a fantastic friendship! She has poured into my life this week, and it has been a blessing just laughing, sharing, and being able to talk to her. I had to thank God for my friend because she found time to pick up the phone one day and call me. Not something she normally does, but she trusted God, put herself out there, and made way for our friendship to open up! I am so happy God placed her in my life, because just when you feel like you are all alone, unique,and different in your own way, God places someone there beside you that says: "I've been there, I understand, and hey- you aren't that crazy after all!"

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