Sunday, November 9, 2008

The week ahead

It's Sunday? Wow. As I looked at my last post, I was happy that I was beginning to close the gap between postings..nice.
Today I am reminded of the week ahead, and I found myself thinking about it constantly over the past couple days. It's weird because after being off for a month, I'm sure a lot of people would dread going back to work, but I, however, enjoy working. The social aspect of it is uniquely satisfying, and there are a lot of people there I love to talk to. Other believers in Christ, and other people that I generally "love". My sister has made it known to me that many people have sent their prayers and well wishes my way, and I find it a blessing to hear. They must know enough about me and my relationship with God to know that prayer is what I needed and would have appreciated most. It's nice to hear that people miss me or think of me for that matter, but it warms my heart to know that my friends at work would go to God on my behalf. I can't find words to describe the feeling, but I love it!
You see, this week has been tough for me. I've been restless in many aspects of life, and I felt like all I heard was a laundry list of things I do wrong. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't post this for a pity party, but I am hoping you can relate. I thought to myself...will this ever end? Am I just one of those people that will never do anything right? Or maybe I'm just one of those people you simply forget about, let fade into the back ground. I convinced myself over the years somehow that no one would really ever be satisfied with me, so I found myself saying"forget it. why try if you can never succeed?"
But this is what I have to remind myself: God is all powerful, and the adversary is quite cunning. Though the thought may have crossed my mind, the adversary would love to reap a harvest of my continued dissatisfaction. But God is the one who saved me, who grabbed my very life from the grips of this world, and who loved me long before I ever loved myself. Indeed, life is irritating, and frustrating, and you may feel invisible. The One we love is not seen, can be frustrated, and gets irritated from time to time I'm sure. We treat Him as though He doesn't matter, as though He never existed, and love Him like He is no more.
This week, my goal is to turn my eyes towards God, and seek to be seen by Him, and no one else. This way, regardless of my circumstance I know that I will be seen by the One who loves me most, and after all, isn't He the only one that matters?

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