Monday, November 24, 2008

Life is...

Short. And amazing. And hard. And tragic. And beautiful. And perfectly the way God intended it to be. Thanksgiving this year has a whole new meaning for me, as recent events have made me thankful for more than I ever thought possible. I was driving into work today, and thought about all that had happened…My friends, that I look to as family, lost someone dear to them, and they were just beginning on that road of new pain. It was yesterday when we found out, and seeing the hurt on their faces began to make me weep. I recalled the way I felt when the Treslers, some other dear friends of mine, lost someone special too. I remembered hearing of their loss, and just picturing the hurt within them also made me weep. I hate the pain that comes along with these circumstances, because it is such an intimate pain. I began to think about how God revealed so many things to me, and how I couldn’t believe I was so impacted by the situations of my friends/family. When I was in the world, I cared but would never show an outward sign of such emotion. In both circumstances, I wished there was more I could do, hoped there was something I could say, or just a prayer that would fix it all. But I couldn’t. I had never faced a loved one passing, and I didn’t know what to do. I. just. didn’t. know. All I could do was pray for healing and strength for the ones I love, because God is all knowing, and I had faith that He heard their cries. Lost in the sense of losing someone you love, and knowing that you will never see them again is by all means devastating, but I have seen these families pick themselves up, worship God, and give Him thanks through the pain. They are all Gods children, and though we are blessed to see another day, we must remember that life is but a vapor- here and quickly gone again. Called home, and gone on to Glory when it’s your time.
I thought these things in an awe- inspiring moment, wondering how many times people of faith had taken another road, blaming God for returning their loved ones so quickly to His home. And, wondering how I would react in such a situation when my turn comes, as I know someday it might. Losing someone you love, will you feel forgotten, lonely, and desolate? I prayed that I would never feel that way, when suddenly, as God would have it, I came to a stop sign. I peered out. Hum.. A new crop of corn had been planted, and was beginning to grow…there were birds flying about, all different kinds, flying aggressively, then swooping down to gather or graze on some of the crops that were just starting to grow. Isn’t that bad for the corn I thought? So many seeds being taken away, how will they ever grow? Where is the scarecrow to prevent the birds from coming again? Hadn’t the farmers taken action to protect their crops?
And then I heard “See? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (mat. 6:26)
“Yes God” I said. “Feeds them”, I thought…What a perfect picture of God in this situation. The birds knew where to get the food, yet the farmers do not worry, because in due season, the harvest will be plentiful. There are some that will wither away I’m sure, but their purpose was not in vain. Through taking this food, many birds have been fed, tending to the most primal of needs, sustenance, perhaps even feeding babies in their warm winter nests, so that they may live another day. They know what must occur to maintain life. Yes, we are more precious then those birds, all Gods creation, and meant for a purpose. We may not be there when the harvest is reaped, but we will have served a purpose none-the-less, and God is good in everything He does.
My heart goes out to those mourning today, sending such an important reminder that God will carry us, feed us, teach us-spiritually, wherever we go. He promises to be there all the days of our life, until such time as we are called home. Then, and only then , will we know the goodness that is forever revealed to us- face to face, in the God that serve.

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