Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Believe..

I loved this idea from Priscilla, and enjoyed reading her "beliefs" here are a few of mine..

I Believe.. Jesus Christ died for our sins and made a way for us in Heaven.

I Believe... God can do all things

I Believe.. that though you think you know people, sometimes you've only scratched the surface.

I Believe...that it only takes a moment to make a mistake, but it can take a life-time to repair it.

I Believe..that God does all things for a reason.

I Believe..that the people that love you most sometimes say it the least.

I Believe..that caring for others is a necessity.

I Believe.. that some of the sweetest things in life can be missed in the blink of an eye.

I Believe..that stopping to hear God whisper, is sweeter that hearing the world scream.

I Believe..that every day is a gift.

I Believe...that every time you think you lose a friend, with God involved, He just preps its for take off!

I Believe.. that no matter the circumstance, you are never alone.

I Believe..that when you truly believe, things happen.


Debbie said...

Hi Tawn! Thanks for stopping by Blog Around the World. Just wanted to let you know that both your blogs are all linked up!

Anonymous said...

I love your version much better :)

Story of a Girl said...

I Believe..that the people that love you most sometimes say it the least.

- I like this one a lot. its very true. You have a very nice blog :)