Monday, December 8, 2008

You may not notice..

But I changed the name of my blog. I tried to find something more "me" and something that reflects what I have been experiencing lately.
Seriously, God is so good to me. He has really set me free lately, and though He is the only one that truly knows my heart, my words can never express how grateful I am to Him. He has really formed me from the nothing-ness that I was and made me somebody whom He loves. I say that with confidence not because of my works, but because of the promise that He made to me, and because of how much He has given me in my life. I never deserved any of it, and when I think of how much He carried me through this life, I become overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness. He never gives up on us, and His patience is unmatched.
I think often about Psalm 118:8 and how it states:

8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

This has been a wonderful passage for me to remember. I think back to when my friend Becky and I were at odds with each other. I had given up on our friendship, and came to terms with the worst-that we would never become friends again. Somehow, a while before Christ found me, her and I got together and started talking. We discovered that we missed each others friendships dearly, and were sorry for time we had lost together. It was no short amout of time, and being as close as we were, not speaking in over a year was something major! I was afraid our friendship would never be the same, but as I got closer to God, He blessed that friendship and now she is like a sister to me. I love her no matter what, and that friendship could only develop because of our love of God. It has indeed been blessed. Again, perfect no. But a blessing, yes.
See..Sometimes I think I know how things will turn out in life, but it is God who knows all, and who crates all. I had even lost friends for silly reasons, only to find out they have realtionships with Christ as well, and He brought us around full circle. Isn't He great? It is the Lord that blesses all those relationships, and continues to help them grow. He has made it clear! and once again, I am thankful.
Reflecting back, I have felt passionately about some things in my life, a couple that I can recall right off the top of my head, but it is only God who has out-shone all those things in my life- and He should, shouldn't He?.. yes, He remains in the center. Am I perfect? absolutely not, but that is the gracious part of Gods wonderful gift.

He gives us another day to learn, another day to love, and another day to put our trust solely in Him. In essence, to grow. Listen, I have been let down before..we are human, we ALL have, but isn't it a blessing that God will never disappoint us? Yes, sometimes we don't understand, but we KNOW that He will never, ever let us down.

I love it, and my heart cries out to Him in thankfulness in all He has done. There is much work to do, but I am glad that I can lean on an awesome healer like Jesus Christ. He understands me inside and out, and yet, He still loves me. There is true relief in that, and even if I said it a million times, then a million times again, those thank-yous would never be enough. They couldn't even come close.
For He knows what He has done for me, knows what He has changed inside me, and though the world may fail us, Christ stays with us- we are all blessed indeed!


Sparklinbecks said...

cute new header!

Tawn said...

Thanks Rebecca- Pics from Tiff, header from Priscilla LOL