Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Year End..
Given the days that God has granted us, years-months-hours-are so precious to come by. I think people can look back at not only their years- but their lives, their weeks, even their smallest moments in amazement and at how swiftly they all go by. I remember when my daughter Tiana was just a small little thing, and she is blossoming so. Turning to God and knowing Him in her own heart, she is truly growing swiftly! Even little Adrianna will be visiting soon, and I know that I will be amazed at how much she will have grown in the small amount of time that she has been away. Looking at the girls pictures, and remembering that life will so often change, reminded me of what Moses prayed in Psalm 90:12
12 "So teach us to number our days,That we may gain a heart of wisdom."
What a valuable thing to pray!
I read that we will spend most of our lives sleeping, and working with about equal time in between to do what we please. Doesn't seem right does it? Now, I don't remember the exact numbers, but when I think about how fast my day goes by, and how much time I waste when I'm NOT spending time with God, it saddens me.
I also know that when I take the time to be still and stop long enough to hear myself breathe, I am thankful that I have a God that thought me worthy enough to allow that breath to give me life. Yes, He is in control of all Heaven and Earth...All the creeping things of the land and of the sea.. The stars, the moon, the sky. Yet and still every day, He loves me enough to grant me life. Amazing isn't it? One more moment, one more hour,one more day. A chance to grow closer. A chance to listen. A chance to Love.
Thank you God, for you always know exactly what to do, exactly what to say, and exactly where to show up!
Here is to a fuller, even more delightful walk with God. Whether it be one day, or you are looking forward to an entire year, let us remember to number our days as Moses said. Being mindful that those minutes are choices we make to grow closer and closer to a God we so dearly love!
Happy New Year everyone :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
God Hath Promised
What God Hath Promised
Annie Johnson Flint
God hath not promised
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Uplifting Scripture of The Week
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
This is my husbands favorite verse, and rightly so. These verses remind us that Jesus gives rest to the weary heart, and food to the hungry soul. When we become like Christ and allow Him to lead us, our burdens become light, and easy to bear. Knowing you have a leader and a partner in Christ is always knowing you will go the right way, you just have to let HIM steer!
Monday, December 15, 2008
To Inspire
I thought about what it means to inspire, and I began to see that inspiration to some, is not always inspiration to others.. so I did some research. The American Heritage Dictionary defines inspiration as:
*Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
*The condition of being so stimulated.
*An agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention.
*Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired.
*The quality of inspiring or exalting: a painting full of inspiration.
*Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.
*The act of drawing in, especially the inhalation of air into the lungs.
I thought this was very interesting indeed! Look at these definitions..
To inspire is something we don't create ourselves, but it happens naturally, or spiritually rather. In these definitions, there is really no explanation on how these events occur. We have to have faith that God is behind all true inspiration, and that the gift of inspiration is a precious one. When we stay faithful and obedient to God, we bear fruit, and this fruit when created in Christ, can feed others. I have benefited from the fruit of those who truly know God, and it has made me grow! It truly is a blessing to be able to inspire others, but let us always be thankful for the message, for the Love that was poured out to us, and the inspiration that becomes life.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I Believe..

I Believe.. Jesus Christ died for our sins and made a way for us in Heaven.
I Believe... God can do all things
I Believe.. that though you think you know people, sometimes you've only scratched the surface.
I Believe...that it only takes a moment to make a mistake, but it can take a life-time to repair it.
I Believe..that God does all things for a reason.
I Believe..that the people that love you most sometimes say it the least.
I Believe..that caring for others is a necessity.
I Believe.. that some of the sweetest things in life can be missed in the blink of an eye.
I Believe..that stopping to hear God whisper, is sweeter that hearing the world scream.
I Believe..that every day is a gift.
I Believe...that every time you think you lose a friend, with God involved, He just preps its for take off!
I Believe.. that no matter the circumstance, you are never alone.
I Believe..that when you truly believe, things happen.
Monday, December 8, 2008
You may not notice..
Seriously, God is so good to me. He has really set me free lately, and though He is the only one that truly knows my heart, my words can never express how grateful I am to Him. He has really formed me from the nothing-ness that I was and made me somebody whom He loves. I say that with confidence not because of my works, but because of the promise that He made to me, and because of how much He has given me in my life. I never deserved any of it, and when I think of how much He carried me through this life, I become overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness. He never gives up on us, and His patience is unmatched.
I think often about Psalm 118:8 and how it states:
8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
This has been a wonderful passage for me to remember. I think back to when my friend Becky and I were at odds with each other. I had given up on our friendship, and came to terms with the worst-that we would never become friends again. Somehow, a while before Christ found me, her and I got together and started talking. We discovered that we missed each others friendships dearly, and were sorry for time we had lost together. It was no short amout of time, and being as close as we were, not speaking in over a year was something major! I was afraid our friendship would never be the same, but as I got closer to God, He blessed that friendship and now she is like a sister to me. I love her no matter what, and that friendship could only develop because of our love of God. It has indeed been blessed. Again, perfect no. But a blessing, yes.
See..Sometimes I think I know how things will turn out in life, but it is God who knows all, and who crates all. I had even lost friends for silly reasons, only to find out they have realtionships with Christ as well, and He brought us around full circle. Isn't He great? It is the Lord that blesses all those relationships, and continues to help them grow. He has made it clear! and once again, I am thankful.
Reflecting back, I have felt passionately about some things in my life, a couple that I can recall right off the top of my head, but it is only God who has out-shone all those things in my life- and He should, shouldn't He?.. yes, He remains in the center. Am I perfect? absolutely not, but that is the gracious part of Gods wonderful gift.
He gives us another day to learn, another day to love, and another day to put our trust solely in Him. In essence, to grow. Listen, I have been let down before..we are human, we ALL have, but isn't it a blessing that God will never disappoint us? Yes, sometimes we don't understand, but we KNOW that He will never, ever let us down.
I love it, and my heart cries out to Him in thankfulness in all He has done. There is much work to do, but I am glad that I can lean on an awesome healer like Jesus Christ. He understands me inside and out, and yet, He still loves me. There is true relief in that, and even if I said it a million times, then a million times again, those thank-yous would never be enough. They couldn't even come close.
For He knows what He has done for me, knows what He has changed inside me, and though the world may fail us, Christ stays with us- we are all blessed indeed!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
New Blog-ventures..
The first 2 minutes we got the car was hilarious and it inspired a new blog idea. I've entitled it"when good cars go bad". I don't know,something about the true sadness of a car that is almost sad beyond measur...and, it's what came to me when I thought of the hilarity of some of the things we do for cars we love~ anyway, its should be pretty funny and you can check it out anytime on blogger- yes, the link to Good_Cars_Gone_Bad is now available- Click and visit today!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
This Little Light of Mine...
I thought about this melody when I came into work this morning. Humming along as I came in..I thought about how many times I could let my light shine, and how the adversary tries to dim that light, the Light the Lord so graciously shone upon us. And has shared within us.This morning on my way in, I got some bad news..kinda. Just one more to add to the list! (btw I think "bad news is really only as bad as you take it to be) I was ok with it, and you know what? I'm not letting anything dim or darken the Light that is within me- nope, just not gonna let it! God has blessed me this day, and there is nothing that can change that. Here's confirmation:
when I finally got my computer up and running, I saw this picture my sis took over the weekend- you may notice it from my updated blog :

I tweaked it a little and added pretty borders, etc to it, but this is what I see every time I boot up my computer now. I thought about all the things that make our light brighter, and just being happy for the things that we have, the people that are safely within arms reach, and the beauty that God unveils to us each day. Scripture says: "Be Still and know that I am God. "(psalm 26:10) He rarely screams or shouts, we have to search for him- always. I find myself looking over these pictures constantly because they add electricity to the Light that God instills inside of me. I bug my sister often for every single picture she takes for this very reason- so I am reminded always of where my life comes from, and never forgetting that when I look at the lights within my life, I can't help but to smile. Here are some for you to enjoy with me!
This one is of our new family, we are missing little Adri, but she is never far from our spirits or our hearts.
How can you not smile when you look at this?
And there He is...always with us, always watching us,- His children, forever encouraging us to grow!
Monday, December 1, 2008
A new day..
I guess I will start with the weekend. It was an eventful one, concerning my spirit, and it has changed a lot within me. Like I had stated in a previous blog my friends sister in law passed away, and I found my self at her service there early on Saturday. It was a beautiful, amazing, and love filled home going service. It caused me to think about my life, and what I would leave behind, what kind of a person I would like to be.. and I decided that I would let God figure that out. He can do so many things in my life, so I re-committed myself to Him. This was ironic to me because it happened to be what we talked about during Sundays sermon, so it was a reassurance to me and comfort to know that God was indeed trying to tell me something.
It seems though, that as soon as you do that, as soon as you listen, the adversary looks for a way to bring you down. I argued with my family a lot on Sunday which saddened me because I feel like there is a simple answer to all the chaos that surrounds us. I hate fighting, but we are human, and it is hard to show love to someone inside a moment when they are pushing every possible button you have....relentlessly.
Especially for me.
and the adversary knows it.
I have a temper-a short fuse- and irritated way about me, because deep down, I just want to love people, and when its not reciprocated, or when I don't get the answer I expect-I get hurt- then what do I do? I get irritated. It's so easy, and so quick, yet so dis-satisfying. I often feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle in my very own flesh, and there I am, helpless in the middle of it- just screaming for it to stop! Stop..Stop..STOP! Then God shows up.. soothing and subtle to my Spirit.
God has so much more planned for us, and I realized on Saturday that we haven't much time to do it in. Who cares what food you will eat today? Where the laundry goes, or some other meaningless matter? I don't! No, my focus is on God, and all the Glory that He has planned for me. Someday, all these things will pass away, and I too, will go with it- but my desire, my prayer, my never ending hope is that while in the presence of the Lord, He is pleased with me. God instilled in me a warm, loving, and joyous spirit, full of life, and screaming out for excitement and fun. Tell me how THAT can't bring God Glory- No matter what, He is my Father, and I am His child, and though not perfect, I pray that in His eyes- one day, I will be.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Guess What?
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and like my previous blog says, we have sooo much to be thankful for! My list includes great friends and wonderful family! My friend Rebecca is amazing at crafts, though I hate using that term because there is so much more to what she does. She is creative, coordinated, and pretty much just an artist! I have seen this girl cook, successfully can stuff(including peaches and tomatoes,etc), and do all sorts of fun stuff! NOW...she is opening her very own etsy shop!!!! Check it out HERE. She has everything from frames to aprons. She just opened, but if i know my girl correctly, there will be lots more to come- is it just me, or is this just ridiculously exciting?
Also, If you want to see more of my friend Rebecca, check out her blog SparklinBecks! She always fills her blog with all kinds of fun stuff- makes for a great read. I will let you guys go, we all have some shopping to do!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Life is...
I thought these things in an awe- inspiring moment, wondering how many times people of faith had taken another road, blaming God for returning their loved ones so quickly to His home. And, wondering how I would react in such a situation when my turn comes, as I know someday it might. Losing someone you love, will you feel forgotten, lonely, and desolate? I prayed that I would never feel that way, when suddenly, as God would have it, I came to a stop sign. I peered out. Hum.. A new crop of corn had been planted, and was beginning to grow…there were birds flying about, all different kinds, flying aggressively, then swooping down to gather or graze on some of the crops that were just starting to grow. Isn’t that bad for the corn I thought? So many seeds being taken away, how will they ever grow? Where is the scarecrow to prevent the birds from coming again? Hadn’t the farmers taken action to protect their crops?
And then I heard “See? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (mat. 6:26)
“Yes God” I said. “Feeds them”, I thought…What a perfect picture of God in this situation. The birds knew where to get the food, yet the farmers do not worry, because in due season, the harvest will be plentiful. There are some that will wither away I’m sure, but their purpose was not in vain. Through taking this food, many birds have been fed, tending to the most primal of needs, sustenance, perhaps even feeding babies in their warm winter nests, so that they may live another day. They know what must occur to maintain life. Yes, we are more precious then those birds, all Gods creation, and meant for a purpose. We may not be there when the harvest is reaped, but we will have served a purpose none-the-less, and God is good in everything He does.
My heart goes out to those mourning today, sending such an important reminder that God will carry us, feed us, teach us-spiritually, wherever we go. He promises to be there all the days of our life, until such time as we are called home. Then, and only then , will we know the goodness that is forever revealed to us- face to face, in the God that serve.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I'm Finding Time..
God has opened up a chance for me to talk consistantly with someone that I think previously (though I wanted to) had not always sought to draw close to. Again not intentionally, but I was too worried about what she would think, if she was too busy, or that she would just have something better to do than talk to me..(silly huh?) I wished that I was closer to this person but never put forth an agressive action to do so.
Well, somehow things changed..and I'm soooo happy they did. The time was right, and everything just seemed so comfortable and easy and fun at the same time. I see this person week after week, and just thought that we were close, but not that close,and I wondered of we ever would be. After all, when I talked to her, I always enjoyed it, so what was keeping us from being great friends?
Then I realized it...I was. I was so afraid of feeling silly or putting myself out there, that I held back from a fantastic friendship! She has poured into my life this week, and it has been a blessing just laughing, sharing, and being able to talk to her. I had to thank God for my friend because she found time to pick up the phone one day and call me. Not something she normally does, but she trusted God, put herself out there, and made way for our friendship to open up! I am so happy God placed her in my life, because just when you feel like you are all alone, unique,and different in your own way, God places someone there beside you that says: "I've been there, I understand, and hey- you aren't that crazy after all!"
Monday, November 10, 2008
Update on my monday
I returned to work today expecting the very least. I mean, what difference does it make if I was gone? Lil 'ol me? well...It was lovely! I got so many hugs and " we missed you" s That I think I started to feel overwhelmed. The most precious moment of my day though was knowing that one of my friends outside of work (that I fellowship with) paid me a very encouraging compliment without me even knowing it! I have heard these comments here and there and always tried to "write them off" but I have been listening to the heart behind these comments, and I have to tell you, it has become a very beautiful gift to me.
I pray always that God will use me, that He will never let go of me, that He will simply hear me, and in hearing these words, I find goodness in all that surrounds me. He heard me..I thought to myself today..He heard me. Isn't that cause for rejoice?!!
Friends, I tell you- there is NO other love like the love of our God, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is always on time, and knows just what to show you when you need it most. though you never know what is wrong, like the Good doctor He is-He hears your ailments, knows your hurts, and makes way for you to be whole again! God is so good to me, even when I'm no good to myself!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The week ahead
Today I am reminded of the week ahead, and I found myself thinking about it constantly over the past couple days. It's weird because after being off for a month, I'm sure a lot of people would dread going back to work, but I, however, enjoy working. The social aspect of it is uniquely satisfying, and there are a lot of people there I love to talk to. Other believers in Christ, and other people that I generally "love". My sister has made it known to me that many people have sent their prayers and well wishes my way, and I find it a blessing to hear. They must know enough about me and my relationship with God to know that prayer is what I needed and would have appreciated most. It's nice to hear that people miss me or think of me for that matter, but it warms my heart to know that my friends at work would go to God on my behalf. I can't find words to describe the feeling, but I love it!
You see, this week has been tough for me. I've been restless in many aspects of life, and I felt like all I heard was a laundry list of things I do wrong. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't post this for a pity party, but I am hoping you can relate. I thought to myself...will this ever end? Am I just one of those people that will never do anything right? Or maybe I'm just one of those people you simply forget about, let fade into the back ground. I convinced myself over the years somehow that no one would really ever be satisfied with me, so I found myself saying"forget it. why try if you can never succeed?"
But this is what I have to remind myself: God is all powerful, and the adversary is quite cunning. Though the thought may have crossed my mind, the adversary would love to reap a harvest of my continued dissatisfaction. But God is the one who saved me, who grabbed my very life from the grips of this world, and who loved me long before I ever loved myself. Indeed, life is irritating, and frustrating, and you may feel invisible. The One we love is not seen, can be frustrated, and gets irritated from time to time I'm sure. We treat Him as though He doesn't matter, as though He never existed, and love Him like He is no more.
This week, my goal is to turn my eyes towards God, and seek to be seen by Him, and no one else. This way, regardless of my circumstance I know that I will be seen by the One who loves me most, and after all, isn't He the only one that matters?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
A Thing of Beauty...
Then I remembered what someone once told me, and I still remember it to this day. She said to me, "Tawn, you have kind eyes. The kind of eyes that welcome another from across the room, the kind of eyes that tell people everything will be ok. The kind of eyes that see right through to the soul...they're beautiful" she said. and I was amazed. And happy.
People compliment each other all the time, but for someone to take the time to see what was on the other side of my eyes, into my amazing. It's a rare occurrence for me, so I remember it dearly. Then I thought, this must be what God sees when He looks at us. We like to see the outside, what WE want people to see. Trying desperately to do all we can to mask the wreck that resides inside us. But God has known us from the beginning, and has touched us with little gifts that I think we never even notice. It's that "I can't quite put my finger on it" moment when you see another person and can appreciate them for who they are. truly, they are a thing of beauty. Scripture tells us in 1Peter 3:3-5:
3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. 5For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful.
Now this is the kind of beautiful I hope to be. God has done a work in me, and continues to work always, Lord willing, when I stand before Him- this beauty will be all He sees.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Random thoughts
The everyday strains take a toll on me and I feel like I'm sure so many of us do. Wishing we had more freedom to do the things we want to do. Financially, socially, economically. Even my walk with Christ- I yearn for more! I don;t know what to do with myself sometimes, and still struggle to feel like I haven't really found myself..but here is the great part..I am not my own. I was bought with a price and Christ is the owner of my soul! That's good news,- wait. GREAT news, but I often struggle with what to do with myself in the "in between stages". The everyday living. Who would He want me to be?
Really, It's hard sometimes to be so devoted to something, because personally I feel like if I don't give 110%, then I'm not giving enough. I have always strived for the best, always wanted to be perfect, but Thank you Jesus that He is perfect, and it wasn't left up to me! I pray often and always that the Lord will not forget me, and hang on to the hope that I will see Him one day in heaven. We all have a chance, and a choice to make in life. To live or to die.
Matthew 16:25 says:
25For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.
So many around me have been in pain, or have gone through something(including myself). Even Tiana's great-grandmother passed recently, and explaining to my child what happened was hard. But pointing her towards God is easy, and showing her that a life lived in Christ, looking towards God is always worth living. May we remember that God is always a call away, and though we feel alone, we are never without Him. He is so good to me, and I praise Him for knowing where I am, who I am, and when I need Him most!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Prepping for Game night!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Great News!
Stevie and I began to talk about how God does things like this. When we don't pray for something, its because we often think it's trivial or we think we would be "bothering" Christ. But how soon we forget that God knows the desires of out hearts before we ask for them. He always wants to see us happy, and just like a good parent, He will give us something fun, something unexpected, and something and that we will patiently wait for.
I realized that Stevie and I have taken on a "if I get something, great. if not, still-praise God." attitude when it comes to birthdays. God will do things in His own time, and as crazy and insignificant as asking for a dog may seem, I think this dog was God's way of saying- I see you, I love you, and by the way Happy Birthday! He is so good to us!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yummy Treats!

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Carmel Apples

Monday, October 6, 2008
Just some thoughts..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm Back!
I have to say the wedding far exceeded my expectations! Everything came out perfectly, so I knew that God was smiling on us! My (then) fiance came out on weds. which was cutting it close, but I was so excited to see him! He lights up my life, and there is a certain calmness he brings when he is around. I love that about him, and when I saw him, I knew i was making the right choice. We really do balance each other out- I tend to be a little silly and over the top, and he is calm and has a quiet, yet VERY effective sense of's great! So... Tiana went with me to the airport, quite anxious to see her dad- so much so, that she waited OUTSIDE the car until he came walking out. She was super excited..(I tell you, a child wears "happy" so well on their little faces, its hard not to smile.)
Rehersal was on thursday night, and the pastor, who also is a dear friend of mine was late. and when I mean late, I mean LATE! Turns out he had gotten into a car accident. I felt awful, but was glad that he was well enough to come out.
Rehearsal went well, and my cousin flew in from California that night! I was so happy to see her since it had been a long time, and she is one of the most cherished people in my life. I knew everything was going to be great- I was surrounded by so much love and joy, I felt comforted knowing that everything was truly going to be OK.
I have to let you know that this decision was the easiest one I ever had to make. I have so much trust and faith in God, that I wasn't afraid to marry Stevie. It's just the growing up part I fear most. wondering what God has in store for me inside my family..its scary. Scripture tells us" for whom ever much is given, much is required." This is a heavy statement. God indeed had blessed me, and I couldn't begin to repay Him. what would He require of me?
Anyway, after a long day, and a very long wait, it was time for me to start. I noticed the stars in the sky were amazing that night, and I could tell you that the magic in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. There was a peace I have never known before, a beauty that surpasses all feelings I have known, and a love that poured from my heart like an unassuming well.
I heard things, and people talking, but all I could see was my husband. the fear I had before subsided and I soon began to realize that my life would consist of he,I, Christ, and our beautiful children. Life would be alright after all!
Long story short (well kind of) we had an amazing time. We stayed at a resort here in phoenix and "lived it up" for a couple days...back to reality now.
such a shame..maybe this is what Cinderella felt like...just.after.midnight.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Wedding prep..
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday birthday, Thursday log : )
Anyway, as far as birthdays go, I rather enjoyed this one. I let the Lord just take over my day, and let Him dictate the events of the day as well.I was extremely at peace at didn't seek to get any one's attention on my big day. This is odd for me, because I always looked forward to my birthday because it was MY day.. The day was all about me, and I thought that it was well deserved.
Well, This year was different..soooo different. I was simply grateful for the people that picked up the phone to wish me a happy birthday! It was such a relief not getting disappointed when nobody called, or didn't say anything, or forgot completely. This day God gave me a pretty special gift I think. He opened my eyes to the things that are usually unseen. The acts of kindness and gifts of Love that come from people that truly care about you. Here's what I mean:
My day started at about 5:45am. I got a phone call from one of my very favorite people- My sister! She had to be the first one to wish me a happy birthday, and I was so glad that she took the time to call me asap in the morning. I just love her.
Then, My mom came in my room as she had every year as far back as I can remember. As you can tell, my family makes a big deal of birthdays, and we have adopted a tradition of being the first of the first to wish each other a very special day. This tradition was institutionalized by my mother, so it always brings a certain aspect of comfort for me on that day. Anyway, this year was no different. She came into my room with a bubbly (and all so intrusive when you are half asleep) "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Followed by a climb into bed with me, and a warm hug. I should point out that my mom is not always overly affectionate, as she likes to give us our space, so this is also an expected and welcome treat. Mom affectionately tells me happy birthday again, smiles, and then quietly asks "where did my baby go?" I smiled back and said.."I don't know mom." and we laugh.
Mom exits the room, and a few minutes later my daughter comes in..."happy birthday mom" she says in a slight whisper..the sound echoes through my ear and i am overcome with happiness. She climbs into bed with me, and we sit there cuddling for a few moments. Time to get up! I said, and we went on with are usually morning routine..
There were some phone calls from good friends, and i was relieved to know they hadn't forgotten about me. it is sooo sweet to know you are loved. Here's where it gets even better:
Around 11am i get a phone call from the flower guy. "Flowers?" I said. He followed with a "Tawn Williams right?" YES! I knew who sent them to me..My wonderful Fiance! I should take a side note here and tell you that no boyfriend I have ever had has gotten my flowers, so this was really special to me.
Well, not only does he know me, but he KNOWS me! I am not especially girlie, so just because our relationship is really very awesome, he sent me the girliest flowers in the world. Attached with a balloon and a teddy bear! I wanted to melt when I saw them because I know that he picked them just for me. It's amazing what God can do when you let him.. Stevie has been such a blessing to me, and really showed me what loving someone is about. it's not about the things you give, but about the love in your heart when you give them- he really is the best!
I was on cloud 9 when my friend from high school called me and asked me what I was going to do for dinner. I replied, with a enthusiastic "nothing" "I want to take you out!" she says, and we set a time. I really love this friend because we have been through some tough times, and she really knows me for who I am. I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing that dinner was, and she got me an amazing gift!
I just couldn't stop praising God after that was the best thing He could have done for me. I appreciate so much when God lets me see the beautiful things that surround me. I may not have gotten a big hurrah, or lots of gifts, or a special something with a ton of people..I got something better. The realization that people really do care about be, and the love i felt on my birthday has been a blessing that God gave me each and everyday. It was not that different than any other day, and I think that is the greatest gift of all!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
We're Back!
Monday, September 15, 2008
I got to thinking how scripture teaches us that God will Bless whom He will bless, all according to His purpose.Last week, God revealed to me that I have a jealous and sometimes envious heart-I want the best for everyone, but I find myself thinking- what about me? Why can't I be this way, or that way- just like so and so? I guard what I have so preciously, and I searched to find out how I became that way. My thoughts wandered back to my childhood- I remembered that growing up, I felt like I was always in my sisters shadow. I always wanted what she had, to do what she does, because lets call it like it is- I thought what she had was better. The plain truth is that my sister is amazing at just about everything, and I saw how much my parents were proud of her. She did better in school, was really good at horse back riding, and even had a prettier name- all according to me. And here we go- The "what about me" attitude was born. Yes, my dad wanted the best for me, but it often turned into a "you could do better" talk instead of an encouraging one. I set out in life early to be the best at everything I could, but I never could reach the standards I set for myself. I was constantly seeking the much needed approval from my parents, and even my wonderful sister. You would have to understand that I always compared myself to others so easily, and my sister was an easy target because I loved her so wonderfully. well here is the harshness in all this- this is LIFE we are talking about Tawn! I soon began to see that everyone I met surpassed me effortlessly. It was so frustrating and so often disheartening, that many times I thought who cares anyway? I don't have much to give anyone, and the goals I set for myself were so unreachable! Soon I started to believe that I would never be anything great, which is exactly where my adversary would like to keep me. Good thing there is no force greater than God, and He had to face me with a tough one last week. We hate to see the dirt that lay within us, but it caused me to break down and give this to was the only way. I was tired of trying to be someone else, tired of trying to live up to the expectations I set for myself. I mean God made me and last time I checked, He didn't make mistakes.. so I finally said "ok Lord, take me-do what you must..I can't do it any more"and I was Blessed. He said to me "Get up child. I will help you through this. you are mine, and I will make you who I need you to be. Why can't you see, you have already been blessed.Trust Me, and I will carry you through." The words changed me. I instantly felt better, and the Lord helped me see: I am getting married to a wonderful man, I have a beautiful daughter that is wonderful- another beautiful daughter that is full of love and joy, a mother who still wishes to give me all that she has, and a family that is healthy and living this day. I am blessed. I have so much more than I deserve, and if anything-at the very bare minimum, I have God. Jesus my Lord and Savior, and no one can snatch me from the palm of His hands. Me!? Now that is a blessing. He has set me apart, and if that doesn't make me feel important, I don't know what would.The God of all creation- of Heaven and Earth, called me to be His child! I just can't believe it- Everyday I am blessed just being able to call God my friend, to talk to Him when I am weary, and to thank him when He lifts me up. Just knowing that He is there for me- THAT is what being blessed is all about. Yes, He will bless whom He will bless, and my blessings may look different that my brothers or sisters, but I find comfort in simply knowing that He loves me. that feeling can never be replaced. So listen, I encourage you all to talk to God about the blessings in your life- Even if you aren't an avid church go-er, talk to God, and He will recount your blessings to you-thank Him for all He has done, praise Him for blessing you when you never deserved to be blessed in the first place. God is good!
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's been a rough night....
Matthew 7:7-8 (New King James Version)
7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
I've always loved this passage because it gives me hope. When we truly seek, we find. When we sincerely ask, He will give it to you. God wants us to grow. Sometimes it hurts like a morning migraine and eyes that hurt to blink out of, but most importantly the pruning process is a painful one. The great thing is God holds you when your weak, and when you think you are at your most dire, He steps in. "Welcome Home" I say- Please- come and make your home with me. : )
Monday, September 8, 2008
It's been a while..
"Everything is supposed to be low key honey,
don't worry about it honey,
it will all work out honey"..
OH YEAH? how does this stuff magically get done without anyone actually doing it? Is there a tiny wedding fairy that waves her magic wand, and poofs up the perfect amount of food, tables, chairs and accessories? because if there is, she flew RIGHT past my house, and I need to contact her asap! I din't think so..So since there is no wedding fairy,I will hash it all out myself. Let's see: I started my weekend with a well equipped list of things i wanted to accomplish before my workweek started. I had to:
1. Get jewlery for my wedding outfit-didnt happen. NOBODY had anything with color in it..or anything remotely like what i wanted
2. I had to get something for my dear friend Rebecca. I did that! I was so happy I found what I was looking for, and I think she really enjoyed it. It was nice to take the time to really think about the person you are shopping for, so I had to seperate my mindset to find something perfect- anyway i walked away with something very lovely.
3. I had to get a hairpiece for my updo- long story short- done.
4. I wanted to look at alternative shoes- didn't find any. Once again, nobody likes color this time of year.
and the list goes on. Well, I wrapped up my saturday with pretty much everything on my list complete, so my sunday was available and free to focus on God- Church was amazing as usual, and after that i went to the christian store to pick up something for my fiance. I was so proud that I had everything done, and I was sharing with him the accounts of the day before. Here's where the store takes a turn..I'm on the phone with Mr. Right when he mentions that we should probably send out invitations! Did I mention my wedding is in 3 weeks? This is like throwing a nuclear bomb on my well-organized,happy little sunday! I took a deep breath and kindly said ok, and then proceeded to have silent PANIC attack right there in the middle of the store! I rushed out of there, called my friend becky and told her that I was in desperate need of a printer, and creative help. She was on it, and I was on my way. After stopping at a much needed starbucks, I ran into her house and got to work. We had some trouble with the wording and font, but it ended up wonderful. She made a comment about how unstoppable we are and then followed it with an interesting "it's like we feed each other greatness". I laughed and then realized that I didn't have a nice pen or a gluegun(which was needed for the ridiculous wax seals that i bought)so..Becky and I made a stint to target-us, and all our greatness too. Then, BACK to her house to apply wax seals, address envelopes, and figure out the mess that is wedding invitaion "who gets what". Oh well, they are all done now, and I sent some off this morning as scheduled! I am more than happy with the results, and I walked away with a brand new appreciation for the term "best friend"..Thanks Becky and Wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well, I'm in love...again.

Friday, August 29, 2008
Pictures, Pictures

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Life Lessons from Dinner
Well, I made some left over pasta that was in the fridge, cut up a peach, and pulled some baby carrots from the fridge. After I ate my yummy pasta, and savored my juicy peach, I started in on my carrots. (Let me just cut off here and say I love baby carrots! They are so crunchy and delicious, and I think I fell in love with their cute little shape ages ago). So anyway, I start in on my yummy treat, and I toss a couple of carrots to the side for not tasting as yummy as I expected them to be-and then suddenly, I felt a metaphor coming on..
I thought about how people are very much like these carrots. They look wonderful on the outside, but when you get to the inside, they sometimes are just plain yucky..they either end up tasting like nothing at all, or like the dirt that they were grown in. They are mostly all good, but everyonce in a while you get that especially sweet one, the one that is so good, you wish all of them would be that way, and then you stop to savor it for as long as you can.
Bear with me here while I explain: see, People often make themselves out to be something beautiful on the outside, often hoping to attract attention. They think that if they look apealing, seem appealing, and blend in with everyone else, maybe you won't notice how yucky they really are on the inside. Wishing that you when you get to the very substantace of who they are, you won't realize that they've got no substance at all, and maybe just a product of what they were raised in.
Then I began to elevate this thought- what if God were like us? I was so quick to toss those carrots aside because they weren't what I expected, and frankly I couldn't bear to even suffer through their awful and lack luster taste. What if He just tossed us aside beacause of what we were on the inside..I mean, would any of us survive?
Really, here is the great thing about matter how many sinful people there are, He doesn't toss them. He washes them, He waits on them, and He Loves them until they become the very sweetest one in the batch. And then, I think.. He smiles.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Well, Its Sunday!
Friday, August 22, 2008
It's Going to Be a Great Weekend~
I am at work, but can't help focusing on my after work duties. My boyfriend has been out of town for the past 8 weeks coming in on average about every other weekend. This sounds great except for the small detail that when he does come into town, we CRAM a bunch of stuff into a very short and quick-moving weekend. It makes for a very interesting weekend, and I kind get a kick out of how everyone seems to be in a whirlwind but me. I have everything planned out to a "T" , but somehow it gets VERY lost in translation...I always confused other parties involved, so I think for this weekend, just to be especially sweet, I will spare my boyfriend the typical last minute conversations- This is usually how it pans out..
Tawn:"hey -we have to be at such-in-such place in like an hour- are you ready?"
Stevie:"WHAT?" (in a most groggy state..)
Tawn: Yah, remeber how i told you about that? we have to leave soon though...gotta be THERE
in an hour, and i don't want to be late, because after that we have to go (fill in blank) "
Stevie: "Babe, I just got up..what time is it"
Tawn: "well, lets see...yup- it's time to get up!"
And so on, until He just gets up, or I have to come in again. But this weekend, yup- Its going to be different. He is fully aware of the plan, and we are going to have a great time! Tonight we are meeting with some friends, and I am just too excited. Not about the event itself, but just about the time spent with some great friends. Great people, great conversation, laughter, and some embrassing moments- it doesnt get any better than that! I'm one of those people that gets jazzed at the very thought of building new memories. When I sit across from that person years from now, I enjoy the thoought of reflecting on how great times were/are. This should be one of the highlights of my weekend- I will let you know how it goes...but..It will probably be great! stay tuned :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
New, I mean Brand New!!
WOW! So My friend Rebecca has inspired me to totally get out here and Blog. I thought it would be fun since my random thoughts often to go to waste with no audience to share them with. Wish me luck- I observe a lot of things during my day, so things may get a little weird around here. I will post a new blog soon. Today in itself has been a pretty crazy day. I have a great and hugely busy weekend ahead of me. Filled with losts of "How am I supposed to be in two places at the exact same time" moments. You know its pretty bad when your loved one says that we may or mat not stop at a small store because "we may not have enough time" followed with "what exactly do we have planned this weekend?" I soon realized that I tend to JAM pack my time, often bringing loved ones down with me. Yes, I enjoy being busy- as a matter of fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. Life if full of great little moments, and I intend not to miss a speck of it! Here we go....